Among the many legacies of Brazil's slavery past, which are still part of the urban scene, the "service entrance" in buildings and apartments is one of the greatest translations of segregation of people. Social class also reflects on the architectural issue, and remains so rooted in our culture that we never dispute it. We limit spaces according to the hierarchy. A separation that takes us to the same place.
Among the many legacies of Brazil's slavery past, which are still part of the urban scene, the "service entrance" in buildings and apartments is one of the greatest translations of segregation of people. Social class also reflects on the architectural issue, and remains so rooted in our culture that we never dispute it. We limit spaces according to the hierarchy. A separation that takes us to the same place.
This project was part of the exhibition- From the Horizon you can see the sea- Collective Olhavê, held at DOC Galeria in January 2018